Fike Video Analytics System
Fike’s Video Analytics system is a turnkey video smoke detection solution. The state-of-the-art, camera-based system, visually detects the presence of flame or smoke at its source, independent of airflow in the area. The Fike Video Analytics System represents a critical advantage for early warning fire detection, especially for challenging environments and open area venues.
The camera combines the enhanced resolution and picture clarity of a standard network camera with built-in flame, smoke and motion detector capabilities. The FM-approved technology detects:
• Presence of flames within the field of view of the camera
• Reflected fire light when flames are obstructed
• Presence of pluming smoke clouds and ambient smoke
• Unauthorized Intrusion
Contact BFPE International for a Fike Video Analytics system. Please see the other Products and Services we offer, as well as our Total Fire Protection Agreement.