BFPE International is a Premier Distributor of Notifier products. Our employees are trained and certified by Notifier. We are pleased to offer Notifier products for your unique application. Please contact us for more information.
ONYX Series – Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
Notifier’s ONYX Series of intelligent fire alarm control panels have the flexibility to meet the needs of any size application. ONYX Series panels are easily expanded with NOTI-FIRE-NET, Notifier’s intelligent fire alarm network, to keep pace with your fire protection needs. The ONYX Series panels and NOTI-FIRE-NET are completely backward compatible with existing Notifier intelligent systems, so you can add-on or upgrade without having to replace existing devices.
System Manager App – View Your Fire Alarm System Status in Real Time
Emergency Radio Communication Enhancement Systems (ERCES) and Notifier BDA Solutions
The Notifier NFS-320 is designed specifically for small applications with features that minimize installation time, enable faster response times, and simplify maintenance and usability.
The Notifier NFS-320SYS can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications, or networked with many devices to protect a large campus or high-rise office block
The Notifier NFS2-640 is designed for mid-size applications and can be easily expanded using Notifier’s intelligent fire alarm network, NOTI-FIRE-NET, to accommodate future building expansion.
The Notifier NFS2-3030 is designed for large scale applications. It can support over 3,000 intelligent devices on ten SLC and can be easily expanded using NOTI-FIRE-NET to accommodate future building expansion.
FireWarden – Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
Notifier’s FireWarden 50 and 100-2 is intelligent fire protection on a smaller scale. They are perfect for facilities requiring simple, yet, state-of-the-art fire protection that is easy to install, test, and maintain. You can have the benefits of advanced addressable technology with an investment comparable to conventional systems.
FireWarden 50
The Notifier FireWarden 50 is perfect for smaller buildings requiring a minimal amount of initiating and notification devices. Typical applications include banks, child care centers, places of worship, restaurants, and small retail stores.
FireWarden 100-2
Voice Communication and Mass Notification Systems
Digital Voice Command
The Digital Voice Command (DVC) is the heart of a full featured audio command center providing voice evacuation for Emergency Communications and Mass Notification applications. The ability to play 8 simultaneous messages and network multiple DVCs across campus or within a large facility enables the system to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.
First Command NFC-50/100
The First Command NFC-50/100 is an Emergency Communications System (ECS) solution that meets or exceeds the ECS and Mass Notification needs of small to medium, standalone applications or other installations that do not require a networkable solution, but do require activation of pre-recorded messages and live paging of both emergency and non-emergency events.
Conventional Fire Alarm Systems and Releasing Panels
Notifier offers a range of Releasing Panels (RP Series) and Conventional Panels (SFP Series) for a variety of applications:
- RP-2001 is a 6-zone fire alarm control panel for single and dual hazard deluge and preaction applications.
- RP-2002 is a 6-zone fire alarm control panel for single and dual hazard agent releasing applications.
- SFP-5UD is a 5-zone control panel with built-in communicators for small to medium-sized applications.
- SFP-10UD is a 10-zone control panel with built-in communicators for small to medium-sized applications
- SFP-2402 is a conventional panel with 2 alarm initiating zones.
- SFP-2404 is a conventional panel with 4 initiating zones.
Properly designed, installed, and maintained systems are key to their proper operation. BFPE International can assist you with making the right choice when choosing a Fire Alarm and Mass Notification System for your application. We represent the major manufacturers on the market. We appreciate the opportunity to design, install, service, and test & inspect your system.
Contact BFPE International for a Fire Alarm and/or Mass Notification system. Please see the other Products and Services we offer, as well as our Total Fire Protection Agreement.