BFPE International is a Premier Distributor of Notifier products. Our employees are trained and certified by Notifier. We are pleased to offer Notifier products for your unique application. Please contact us for more information.
Emergency Radio Communication Enhancement Systems (ERCES)
During an emergency, reliable communication is critical. Staying informed with clear radio transmission between first responders inside a building and emergency personnel outside the building can help prevent further injuries and save more lives. Emergency Responders lose communications when in-building radio signals are weakened by structures such as concrete, windows, and metal.

Emergency Radio Communication Enhancement Systems (ERCES) were introduced to address the weakened performance of emergency responder’s portable radios within buildings. NFPA, IFC, and IBC includes requirements for the installation, performance, and strength of ERCES for commercial facilities. As local jurisdictions continue to adopt these codes, buildings will need to meet the signal strength required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) Solutions
We offer all of the Notifier components required for design and installation of the ERCES including their Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) System. A BDA System is a signal boosting solution designed to enhance in-building radio frequency (RF) signal coverage for public safety radio. The two-way radio signal strength is enhanced inside buildings, tunnels, SCIFs, and other structures.
BFPE International is a licensed installer with factory and certified personnel. Our specialized FCC GROL certified technicians will conduct an RF survey to determine if the public safety radio signal strength needs a boost with a BDA system. If so, we will design, install, monitor, and perform annual BDA system checks.
Not all BDA systems are equal. Ordinary signal boosters do not provide the same protection. Notifier’s BDA system is UL2524 In-building 2-Way ERCES, CSFM, NFPA 72, NFPA 1221, and IFC compliant.
A BDA system is a Life Safety System. Similar to a fire alarm system, it must be monitored by the building’s fire alarm system and annunciate the status of any signal booster(s). Notifier’s BDA system integrates directly to Notifier’s Fire Alarm Panel for monitoring.
Notifier BDA Solutions are a high power, band-selective radio signal booster system that are designed and customized to meet all public safety frequency band ranges.

Properly designed, installed, maintained, and monitored BDA systems are key to their proper operation. We understand your unique life safety needs and appreciate the opportunity to assist you.
Contact BFPE International for a BDA system. Please see the other Products and Services we offer, as well as our Total Fire Protection Agreement.