FM-200™ Fire Extinguishing Agent is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) with the ASHRAE designation of HFC-227ea and is manufactured by Chemours. It has also been marketed as FE-227™. Chemically, it is heptafluoropropane, CF3-CHF-CF3. It does not contain bromine, like Halon 1301 (CF3Br), which is the component identified as contributing to the depletion of the earth’s ozone layer. With zero ozone depletion potential (ODP), FM-200™ is environmentally preferred and is an acceptable Halon 1301 alternative.

FM-200™ was one of the first Halon 1301 alternatives on the market. It is accepted worldwide and has a history of protecting some of the world’s most critical and irreplaceable assets.

BFPE International maintains a stock of FM-200™. In the event you have a discharge, we are able to recharge your system so that you are able to resume business with minimal interruption.

Contact BFPE International for a clean agent fire suppression system containing FM-200™. Please see the other Products and Services we offer, as well as our Total Fire Protection Agreement.

Primary Advantages of Clean Agent Systems – Ability To:

Extinguish any fire – including those that are shielded or obstructed.

Fill an enclosure providing uniform distribution of the agent and suppression of the fire.

Extinguish fires early through detection and well before smoke/fire damage.

Leave no residue behind, causing no collateral damage.

It’s business as usual.

Use of FM-200™ in Total Flooding

Class-A Hazards – FM-200™ can be used where people are normally present or normally occupied spaces, which represent more than 90% of the applications utilizing clean agent suppression systems for fire protection.

Class-B Hazards – FM-200™ can be used where people are normally present or normally occupied spaces.

Class-C (electrically energized) Hazards – FM-200™ is electrically non-conductive and non-corrosive, making it ideal for protection of areas with electrical equipment.